Hey there!
Let’s make magic together
I believe that we are all molecules of heaven in physical form. Here to co-create and guide one another to our highest potential of limitless possibilities. As we each embody our unique signature medicine, our individual frequency rises, the collective vibration becomes stronger, the planet heals, and we give not only ourselves but others the permission to live our most radiant life. Together, we return to our natural state of pleasure, joy and badassery. As intended through Great Spirit’s will for us.
Your Invitation
I invite you to delve deep and courageously step forward. My deepest prayer is to be THE WOMAN in your corner as you embody your truest soul identity. You get to feel HOLY and WHOLLY supported as you receive transformational reflection & activate the glimmers that lead you to soul aligned success. I invite you into profound awareness as we weave the threads of your soul’s path in order for you to co-create the whole tapestry with the Divine. You'll move through the mystery, discovery, & revelation of your Soul’s deepest yearnings.
You’ll expand into the most confident, radiant, authentic, aligned, and soul-guided and Divinely trusting human BEing.
“I received so much more than I expected from my session with Elise. She is so intuitive and has so much to offer through her wisdom. It opened me up to speak my truth and let myself feel emotions that I hadn’t been allowing myself to. So much was mirrored back to me - the words and guidance I needed to be told. Elise held such safe and grounding place, and I felt lovingly guided through the entire process. She reminded me of who I came here to be! I would recommend this experience with Elise to everyone.” -Hannah
Mentorship ║ courses ║SOUL SESSIONS
1:1 containers where you’ll become wildly magnetic to your truest identity, allowing you to fully be YOU.
Be held in sacred support and bold loving accountability so you may expand in your most authentic radiance. The world needs your unique signature soul medicine!
“The biggest risk, is not taking one at all...”
Deepen your knowledge through curated workshops, masterclasses and in depth courses specifically tailored to support YOU and your rising.
With practical tools to guide you through your expansion.
WOMB ceremony ║inherited energy CLEARING║SOUND tHERAPY
Distance Womb Clearing Ceremony
For the woman who is ready to release old emotional traumas, heal her lineage, and tap into her intuitive signature medicine.
Reignite your power, reawaken your feminine center, embody your creative wisdom, express your radiant sensuality. 120 min
Inherited energy work session
Break free from generational family patterns keeping you from living a deserving life of joy, ease, grace and abundance. Let go of buried patterns of lack of worth, fears or other blocks. Release deeply programmed inherited limiting beliefs and claim your highest potential. We'll begin with a family energetic pattern clearing so you can feel liberated as you break unhealthy patterns of your lineage, and come to completion with celebrating inherited gifts and medicine that support your path. 90 min
Vibrational Sound
A live meditative sound concert that "washes" away stress and brings you to a state of relaxation, activating your body's own natural system of self-healing.
For those seeking to deepen your radiance and vitality.
Group and Private offerings available.